Kogumik Fameless Fami liikmete ilmunud ja ilmumata lugudest.
laupäev, 30. august 2014
Fameless Fam-SS14
Kogumik Fameless Fami liikmete ilmunud ja ilmumata lugudest.
neljapäev, 28. august 2014
kolmapäev, 27. august 2014
Psühhedeelne luure, ehk vii oma paranoia uuele tasandile.
teisipäev, 26. august 2014
pühapäev, 24. august 2014
Kui keegi tahab aja maha võtta, siis see projekt peaks huvi pakkuma. Long Beachi räppar näitab eeskuju. Produtsendiks on Randy Cannabis.
Need kes Bandcampi lehelt ei jõua endale seda albumit osta, saavad lugusi tõmmata Prozpecti SoundCloudi lehelt.
laupäev, 23. august 2014
Nakim & Justin Rose-BLKROSES EP
Nakim on emsii Harlemist. Justin on produtsent Queensist. Nende koostööna valminud EP sõnum on küllaltki materialistlik ja see edastatakse suhteliselt ülbelt. Töö räpp. Ei ole lugu kus ei räägita rahast või selle tegemisest. Produktsioon hoiab samuti teemale sobivat tempot üleval ja toetab taotlusi.
neljapäev, 21. august 2014
A.R.-Foot Work Phenomenon
teisipäev, 19. august 2014
Goose-The Apes Of God
Orlandost pärit räppari projekti kaanel on kasutatud ühel kylixil olevat kujutist mille autoriks on Douris. Kas sisu laseb siin ennast kuidagi aimata, jääb igalühel endal otsustada.
esmaspäev, 18. august 2014
Skeezo & Rediculus-Stuck In Da 90's Remix Project
Skeezo on emsii New Yorgist, kellelt eelmisel aastal ilmus projekt nimega Stuck In Da 90's. Seal olnud seitsmest loost on Rediculus teinud üheksa remiksi. Kõik on üheksakümnendate vaimus endiselt.
laupäev, 16. august 2014
Rodney CoLe-Stixx & Stones EP
reede, 15. august 2014
Joe Rogan Experience #535
neljapäev, 14. august 2014
Mõned videod
Rick Ross-Supreme
Da$H-Parachute Escape/Counseling
Take Money, Boss Money & Noey No Good-Patience
MC Keem-Crime By Design
Da$H-Parachute Escape/Counseling
Take Money, Boss Money & Noey No Good-Patience
MC Keem-Crime By Design
kolmapäev, 13. august 2014
Mr. Sisco-Black Jesus EP
Intros on kuulda Prodigyt, muidu on aga tunda tugevaid Lõuna mõjutusi Detroiti räppari EPl. Tänavu juba 2 projekti temalt.
[The following post written by TDV Head Researcher, Justin O'Connell]
Depending on who you talk to, the phrase "New World Order" means different things. To plenipotentaries and politicians, the "New World Order" might refer to "global governance," a form of cooperation among nation-states in which laws and policies are standardized. For another group of individuals, mostly independent and some academic researchers, "New World Order" refers to a post-Bretton Woods world order in which global institutions - like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and their associated think thanks - take authoritorian precedence over nation-states, creating effectively a "global government" defined mostly by its unity in economics and politics; including money, leaders, laws, etc..
But meaning is personal, and so these are not the only meanings for the "New World Order." For me the "New World Order" has always been the same as the old world order: a centralized, homogenized, hierarchical, singular system. Presidents and Prime Ministers, in this view, were merely evolutions of the "king-gods" past, rather than entirely new models of authority. I came to this conclusion by keeping an open-mind towards the "planned view of history" which differs from the "circumstantial (or coincidental) view of history." In the former, plans and agendas determine the course of history, whereas in the latter reactive decisions and spontaneity define it.
In the last five years or so a new understanding of "New World Order" has presented itself, and I predict it will be the most popular path moving forward among grounded and thoughtful individuals. For many people, accepting this New World Order will be particularly stressful because it breaks most with the past than other understandings of the term. Nearly each and everyone of us were/are educated for the current way of doing things. This is the only way we've ever known, and, due to our lack of harmony with nature, most people do not feel confident that, if things changed (even if for the better) they would be able to handle the stresses. (all change, good or bad, brings stresses)
esmaspäev, 11. august 2014
St. Da Squad-Pages From The Pavement
laupäev, 9. august 2014
neljapäev, 7. august 2014
Hus Kingpin-The Cognac Tape (Co-Starring Roc Marciano)

Anniversary Reissue. Hus tähistab aasta möödumist selle projekti esmailmumisest sedasi, et annab ta üldisesse kasutusse, tasuta allatõmbamiseks. Palju õnne.
kolmapäev, 6. august 2014
Joey Fatts-Chipper Jones Vol. 3
Mõnes ringkonnas klassifitseerub Chipper Jones 2 klassikuna. Kasvõi juba sellepärast tasub Joey Fattsi kolmandat projekti sellest seeriast kontrollida.
teisipäev, 5. august 2014
Emsii Chicagost, jälle. Pivot Gangi liige. Tema flowdega ei ole alati lihtne sammu pidada, igav ei tohiks hakata.
laupäev, 2. august 2014
DVS-Mutant League
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